Talking about the Future

Posted by Esther on 3:58

1. Usamos el "will" cuando predecimos acontecimiento o situaciones futuras (pero no tenemos pistas en el presente, es una opinion) Predictions.

You´ll love the film.
2. Cuando decidimos algo en el momento de hablar. (Instant decision)

I've left the door open. I'll go and shut it.

ll have the steak. 

3. Ofrecimientos (Offers)

I´ll carry that bag for you. 

  - También podemos expresar ofrecimientos con "Shall" . Deben ser en forma de pregunta y con "I" .

Shall I help you with your homework?

- "Shall" también nos sirve para hacer sugerencias. También en forma de pregunta pero con "We".(Suggestions)

Shall we go to the cimena tonight? 

4. Promesas (Promises)

I will always love you.

5. Eventos que ocurrirán con seguridad.

I will do an exam on November 18th.


  2.− Predicciones en las que tenemos la certeza de que algo va a ocurrir en el futuro porque tenemos pruebas o indicios. (Predictions)

I think they´re going to win. (They´re playing very well)

It´s going to rain. (The skiy is very dark)

The man can't see where he is going. There is a hole in front of him. He is going to fall into the hole.

 2.− Planes e intenciones.(Future plans and intentions)

My sister is going to adopt a child.

I´m tired. I'm going to have an early night.

With the verb "GO" you can leave out the infinitive.

I´m not going (to go) to New York.


1.− Usamos " present continuous" o "be going to"  para planes e intenciones de un futuro más o menos inmediato y planeado con anterioridad.(Pre-arranged future plans and intentions)

They are meeting at 10am.

She´s leaving on Friday.

- "be going to" se usa para mostrar que ya hemos tomado la decisión.

We´re going to get married in the summer.

- el "presente continuous" enfatiza que ya hemos hecho los preparativos.

We´re getting married on July the 5th (we´ve  booked the appointment at the city hall)


More exercises

Will /be going to



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